5 Quick Stretches to Soothe Your Back Pain

Funkcinės Terapijos Centras/Pexels

Most people will have lower back pain at some point. This pain can happen for a lot of reasons, like pulling a muscle, slipping a disc, or just aging. Lifting heavy things, sitting too much, or just feeling the years, and your back can start to hurt. But don’t worry; simple stretches can help ease the pain. These easy moves can keep you flexible, reduce pain, and keep your back healthy.

First up, we have a fun one, pretending to be a cat and then a cow! Get down on your hands and knees like you’re about to crawl around with a toddler. Start by rounding your back up like a cat on Halloween, tucking your chin to your chest. Then, take a deep breath, drop your belly down, and lift your head like a happy cow enjoying a sunny day. Repeat this a few times, and feel your back start to loosen up.

Then, it’s time to hug your knees. Lie down on your back (yes, more lying down!). Slowly pull one knee up to your chest like you’re giving it a friendly squeeze. Hold it for a bit, then switch legs. This move helps stretch out your lower back and gives you a moment to just relax and breathe.

Now, to work your core, lie flat on your back and bend those knees and plant your feet firmly on the floor. Press your lower back against the floor while tilting your hips up just a little, like you’re trying to flatten a stubborn pancake. Hold for a few seconds, then relax. This stretch helps both your back and abs feel better.

Stay lying down because why not? Bend your knees and feet flat, and lift your hips towards the ceiling. Give your glutes a good squeeze at the top, as if you’re balancing a cup of water on your belly. Don’t let it spill! Lower back down slowly and do it again. This move supports your lower back and helps with pain.

For this one, picture yourself as a superhero. Get on your hands and knees. Stretch one arm out in front like you’re flying, and kick the opposite leg straight back. Try not to wobble! Switch sides and repeat. This exercise strengthens your core and keeps your back steady.

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