The Top 15 Heroes in the Marvel Television Universe

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been a phenomenon, but the network has had plenty of success on television as well. First appearing on Netflix and now on Disney+, the label has a tremendous television presence as well. These are are the greatest characters from those shows.

15. Jessica ‘She-Hulk’ Walters – She Hulk: Attorney at Law

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She Hulk, which debuted in 2022, was a departure from the other Marvel shows. Sure, there were super-powers and action, but the program was also about Jessica’s love life and legal career. Tatiana Maslany played the character with geeky charm.

14. Foggy Nelson – Daredevil

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Foggy Nelson certainly isn’t a classical hero. He’d rather be drinking at Josies are poring over legal briefs rather than putting his life in danger. But over the course of Daredevil’s 3 seasons, Nelson regularly put himself in danger for his friends and family proving to be a real hero.

13. Yelena Belova – Hawkeye

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First appearing in the Black Widow film, Florence Pugh brought her immensely likable character to television’s Hawkeye. While she certainly strands the line between hero and villain, Yelana typically does the right thing like her sorta-sister Natasha Romanov.

12. Misty Knight – Luke Cage

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A key character in comics, Misty Knight made her debut in Luke Cage as a love interest to Luke rather than to Danny Rand. While the physical relationship is short-lived, Knight soon becomes a key ally to all of The Defenders.

11. Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes) – Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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Ghost Rider has long been popular in comics, but seems like a difficult character to bring to a live action show. He turned out great in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. first as a vigilante before becoming an ally to the agents in their battle against AIDA.

10. Kate Bishop – Hawkeye

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The enthusiastic and charming Kate Bishop becomes a hero by attaching herself at the hip of a reluctant Clint Barton. Like Barton, she is an intriguing character as she’s willing to fight against those with powers with nothing more than martial arts training and a bow and arrow.

9. Marc ‘Moon Knight’ Spector – Moon Knight

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The character of Moon Knight, who has multiple distinct personalities, requires a talented actor to portray him and Marvel hit a home run with Oscar Isaac. His performance helped to make Moon Knight as interesting on the screen as he is on the page.

8. Loki – Loki

Is it possible for the God of Mischief to be a hero? It seemed to be turning that way in the battle against Thanos and continued into Loki’s television show. While he may not have gotten all the way there in the series, he showed that he is continually moving toward the side of good.

7. Peggy Carter – Agent Carter

Most of the other heroes on this list have in your face kind of powers. Carter does not. What she does have is significant spy skills that often go unnoticed allowing her to be wildly successful. The show takes place shortly after the assumed death of Captain America.

6. Frank Castle – Punisher

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Sure, it’s difficult to call a guy who murders scores of people a hero, but Frank Castle has a code and only sets his sights on bad guys. That has made him a very popular character for decades and one that is expertly brought to the small screen by Jon Bernthal.

5. Jessica Jones – Jessica Jones

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Jessica Jones barely has super powers and is about as reluctant a hero as humanly possible. Jones is such an intriguing character because of the things that aren’t super about her, like her investigate skills, her stubborn nature and her willingness to do what is right.

4. Luke Cage – Luke Cage

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Many of the most popular characters in comics are street level heroes and Luke Cage personifies that term. It can be hard to make a character who is pretty much invincible interesting, but Mike Colter and the writers of Luke Cage managed to do that by giving him an iron clad code and a deep connection to his neighborhood.

3. Wanda Maximoff – WandaVision

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Wanda Maximoff was a key player in the cinematic universe before appearing in WandaVision, a show focused on her grief over a life of loss and hardship. The show provided an intriguing glimpse into the hero who would later break bad in the Muil

2. Phil Coulson – Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Image via Marvel Studios

Phil Coulson first appeared in the Marvel Universe in the first Iron Man film and was incredibly prominent in the movies. He was also the star of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. making him one of the the television univerese’s most important characters.

1. Matt Murdock – Daredevil

Image via Netflix

Marvel launched the first of its original Netflix shows with Daredevil and it was an outstanding choice. Charlie Cox was a perfect fit for the role and the show was critically acclaimed. In fact, the character will get a new show on Disney+ in 2025.

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