

“What are you doing on New Year’s Eve?” is a question that haunts us single folks. We’ve been sold a specific bill of goods when it comes to ringing in the New: you have to be at a party or a bar, and you have to kiss someone at midnight. Some of us can’t even make it to midnight anymore, let alone get ourselves dressed to the nines. Not only is it fine to stay home on NYE, I find it’s preferable to being out on the roads or surrounded by couples in a packed room. So here are some ways for you to enjoy yourself, because like the wise philosopher Kelly Clarkson once sang, “Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone.”

  1. Start With Your Usual Routine…New Year’s Eve is on a Tuesday. What do you usually do on Tuesdays? Do those things. It’s not technically a holiday, so get some work done if your workplace isn’t closed or you work from home. Afterward, hit the gym, walk the dog, whatever your post-work things are. It’s a perfect way to shut out social media pressure and get something accomplished to wrap up the year.
(Image: Google)

2. …But Then Dress It Up A Little. Once you get your stuff done, then you can set yourself up to have a Tuesday night at home that also just happens to be New Year’s Eve. A cute pajama set is a simple change from your usual sweats and oversized tee and will immediately lift your mood every time you look in the mirror. I love this Winter PJ Set from MASONgrey that comes in various patterns and colors.

(Image: MASONgrey.com)

3. Feed Your Soul. When I was little and my parents went out on NYE, my mom would always load the freezer with fun appetizers for the sitter to heat up so we could have our own party. To this day, the sight of pigs in a blanket instantly conjures up memories of shag carpets and Dick Clark on the TV. So stock up on your favorite fun foods from when you were a kid and celebrate yourself making it through the last 12 months of adulting.

(Image: Delish.com)

4 – 7. Ignore the Clock For A While. It’s a pefect time to pick up that book you’ve been meaning to start (or finish or re-read). The world disappears for me once I start reading, so settle into your favorite spot and get lost for a few hours. Check the current besteseller list if you need inspo, or just click my name under the headline above if you’d like to try a novel you may have missed this year.

(Image: Refinery29.com)

You could also dive into a small home project you’ve been putting off, like that closet purge you really need to do. What better way to ring in the new year than by getting rid of anything old–via donation or consignment–that no longer serves you? Not only will you feel psychically lighter, you’ll be making room for something new–both in your home and in your mind.

It’s better than OK! (Image: MyDomaine.com)

Now that you’ve purged, you can binge! Bingewatch, that is. I’ve put together a list of ten streaming shows that I’ve watched–some more than once–that will suck you in and keep you from glancing at the clock every few minutes. If you’re trying to make it to midnight, set a timer just in case you genuinely lose track of the time.

(Image: Dreamstime.com)

While you’re reading and/or bingewatching, why not make it even more relaxing by adding a few spa treatments? Slather your feet in lotion and pull on thick socks, then add a sheet or clay mask and soak up the benefits to start the New Year with a fresh face.

Yes, this is way better than being in a bar, as far as I’m concerned (Image: Pexels.com)

8. Stay Off Social Media. It’s tempting to go down the rabbit hole of other people’s NYE pics, but I strongly urge you to refrain from doing so. You know very well by now that you never get the full picture regardless of what images are posted. So don’t give yourself FOMO and keep your screen time to the TV for a while.

(Image: TelecomFit.com)

9. Take Note. Write a letter to the future you of December 2025. What are your hopes and expectations for the next twelve months, and how do you plan to achieve them? Jot them down, tuck the letter into an envelope, and put it wherever you keep your personal papers or in your desk drawer. When you look back, you’ll be able to answer the questions you asked yourself, like “Where will I be this time next year?”

(Image: PureWow.com)

10. Embrace Your Traditions. You’ve made it to 11:59 pm, congrats! My childhood New Year’s Eve always ended with banging pot lids together on the front porch in the freezing cold and screaming “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” at the top of my lungs along with the sitter. A friend of mine goes around her house blowing party horns while flushing all of the toilets at midnight, one of many superstitions/traditions that people do to welcome in the New Year. Whatever you always do, do it. It won’t feel right to you to do anything else, and it’s one night you can get away with making some noise. So go ahead and make that moment yours…and then you can go right to sleep. Happy 2025!

(Image: Stocksy.com)

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