15 Television Characters You Wanted to See Bad Things Happen To

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While this list may have a large amount of HBO characters on it, evil television characters have been reviled for decades. One the genre got more serious in the 1970s and 1980s, viewers began to want bad things to happen to them. Here are some of the worst of the worst.

Petyr Baelish – Game of Thrones

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From almost the first second he’s on screen, Game of Thrones Petyr Baelish is scheming against anyone and everyone. He may betray Ned Stark, but stays in the good graces of several characters until he is finally taken out by Ayra near the end of the series.

Ted Mosby – How I Met Your Mother

Ostensibly, the star of How I Met Your Mother, viewers were supposed to root for Josh Radnor’s Ted Mosby. The problem was that Ted was the perfect example of the typical nice guy who felt entitled to the women he chased whether he was a good fit for them or not, especially Robin.

Rachel Berry – Glee

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Throughout the history of the series, it was clear that Rachel Berry was amazingly talented but also willing to do anything and everything to get ahead. That meant stepping on so many people on her way to the top that you were rooting against her by the end.

Pete Campbell – Mad Men

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All of the characters on Mad Men, especially the male characters, are pretty horrible. But they’re horrible for different reasons and Pete Campbell is just the worst. The philandering account executive made it easy to hate him and most fans did.

Livia Soprano – The Sopranos

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In the first two seasons of the iconic HBO series, The Sopranos, the main antagonist was the mob boss’s mother. And Nancy Marchand played the role perfectly. Tragically, she died between seasons and her death was written into the show.

Hannah Horvath – Girls

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Lena Dunham became a sensation while still in her 20’s by creating and acting in the show Girls. Interestingly, she made her character immature, insincere and plainly unlikeable, so while viewers might not have wanted bad things to happen to Hannah, they certainly weren’t rooting for her.

Todd Alquist – Breaking Bad

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Todd Alquist works he way into the service of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman in Breaking Bad, but soon shocking the drug dealing duo with his brutality. A sociopath who saw no issue with killing children, Todd was able to generate incredible hatred in a very short time.

Caillou – Caillou

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Caillou was a children’s show about a four year old boy that aimed at teaching children important lessons. The problem was that the main character was an insufferable brat who never faced consequences for his actions.

Joffrey Baratheon – Game of Thrones

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It says a lot about Jack Gleeson’s performance that Joffrey became the most hated character on television while still a teenager. After seasons of sadism. fans around the world cheered when he was poisoned in season four.

Nate Jacobs – Euphoria

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Nate Jacobs, portrayed by Jacob Elordi, is mad out to be the worst example of the trait of toxic masculinity. While life at home seems pretty terrible for Nate, he wreaks havoc everywhere he goes and is both physically and mentally abusive.

Ross Gellar – Friends

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Ross is another character who you don’t want to get hurt or anything, but also aren’t pulling for. The paleontologist has been unlucky in love, but certainly complain an awful lot for someone who seems to have a lot going for him.

Ziggy Sobotka – The Wire

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The son of a local stevedore union chief, Ziggy Sobotka could have had a comfortable life with a bit of hard work. But the immature and reckless young adult seemed more focused on how badly he could mess up his life and those around him. And he ended up messing it up pretty badly.

The Governor – The Walking Dead

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In the event that there ever were a zombie apocalypse the hardest people are going to have an edge. And while the Governor, an important villain in The Walking Dead had an edge, he also had the charm to convince people he wasn’t so brutal until it was too late.

Ralph Cifaretto – The Sopranos

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A fascinating character for the Sopranos world, Ralph Cifaretto was terrific at his job as a mobster, but impossible to be around otherwise. Considering his value to the mob, Tony keeps Ralph around until he can’t take it anymore, creating one of the most satisfying deaths in television history.

Ramsay Bolton – Game of Thrones

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Game of Thrones saw so many hated characters die that it really says something to be the most hated character who died and that title goes to Ramsay Bolton. The sadistic psychopath comes incredibly close to achieving his goals but ends up a meal to his beloved dogs.

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