The Top 15 Villains in the Marvel Television Universe

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe now put out dozens of movies, raking in billions of dollars, but the comic book label has also put out some outstanding television shows. Part of the success of the shows is due to outstanding villains and these have been the best of the best.

15. Hernan ‘Shades’ Alvarez – Luke Cage

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Shades was tasked by his pal Diamondback with keeping an eye on Cottonmouth upon being released from prison. The ever-climbing Shades was able to keep rising by staying close to power while being able to betray his friends and lovers when the opportunity presented itself.

14. Arthur Harrow – Moon Knight

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Arthur Harrow, one of the main villains in the Moon Knight televison show, once performed the job done by Marc Spector. He became disillusioned over time and turned to the God, Ammit. A great character who isn’t far removed from the hero he is facing off against.

13. Will Simpson – Jessica Jones

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Will Simpson, who appeared in Jessica Jones, is a reimagining of the character Frank ‘Nuke’ Simpson from the comic books. Will, obsessed with killing Zebediah Killgrave, turns back to IGH, an illegal human experimentation program that also gave Jessica her powers.

12. Grant Ward – Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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Created for the show and seemingly one of the good guys, Grant Ward was a standout agent for S.H.I.E.L.D. He is eventually revealed to have been a spy for Hydra and he is eventually killed by Phil Coulson.

11. Dottie Underwood – Agent Carter

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A woman who moves into the same Griffith Hotel that Peggy Carter lives in, Dottie presents herself as a young woman from Iowa chasing her dreams in New York City. In reality, Dottie was a Russian spy from the same Red Room that would produce the Black Widow and she present a fascinating foil to Peggy.

10. Ravonna Renslayer – Loki

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Initially introduced as a judge at the TVA, Ravonna Renslayer was initially a captured variant who became a close confidant of He Who Remains. A protagonist who is constantly looking out for her own best interests, she is currently at the mercy of Alioth, the guardian of the Void.

9. Typhoid Mary – Iron Fist

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A key villain for Daredevil in the comics, Typhoid Mary takes on Iron Fist in the show’s second season. Mary Alice Walker has dissociative identity disorder which means she can go from a friend to foe at any minute and eventually turns against the evil Joy Meachum.

8. Bushmaster – Luke Cage

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Considering that he is essentially invincible, Luke Cage presents quite a problem for criminals. Bushmaster derives powers from nightshade, making him more than a match for Luke and one of the more compelling villains from the Marvel show.

7. He Who Remains – Loki

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He Who Remains, also known as Kang the Conqueror appeared in both seasons of Loki, but portrayed by different actors. The time-traveling villain would eventually be defeated, not by the TVA, but by the Ant-Man crew in Quantumania.

6. Mariah Dillard – Luke Cage

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At the start of the series, Mariah Dillard was presenting herself as a Harlem politician, but behind the scenes, she was deeply involved in organized crime. Willing to go farther than the rest of those vying for power, she became a fearsome foe.

5. Echo – Hawkeye

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Acting as both the muscle and the brains for the Track Suit Mafia, Echo’s powers allowed her to take on even the best hand-to-hand fighters. By the end of the series, she realized she was being manipulated by Kingpin and would later become a hero.

4. Bullseye – Daredevil

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Despite his incredible skills and murderous intentions, Benjamin Pointdexter begins Daredevil on the side of good, working for the FBI. The scheming Kingpin is able to manipulate Dex into working with him and creating one of the most feared killers in the Marvel Universe.

3. Agatha Harkness – The Scarlet Witch

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Hundreds of years old, Agatha Harkness arrived in Wanda Maximoff’s Westview New Jersey town, meddling with things and hoping to harness the former Avengers powers. Wanda would later defeat Agatha, subjecting her to a normal life until Agatha All Along.

2. Zebediah Killgrave – Jessica Jones

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Played with horrifying ruthlessness by David Tennant, the Purple Man is one of the most psychologically terrifying villains in television history. Since Killgrave can not be defeated with brawn, protagonist Jessica Jones had to figure out how to beat him with her mind.

1. Wilson Fisk ‘Kingpin’ – Daredevil

Kingpin has long been one of the best characters in comics, but he may be even better on screen. The character who has appeared in Daredevil, Echo and Hawkeye manages to be menacing, dangerous and absurdly successful with no powers to speak of.

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